My Identity Self- Portrait
My name is Abbey and I am 20 years old. My family, friends, and where I come from make me who I am. Both of my parents are Scottish, born and raised. I was born in Arizona but lived in Scotland when I was learning how to speak. My first ascent/language was Scottish, then we moved back to the US and I taught myself an American accent that I can switch in and out of depending on who I am speaking to. Because I have the 2 accents that give me 2 different identities, I am the same person with the same personality but both have different histories and stories. One thing my mum always says is that when she hears me using my American accent she says “That's not my daughter speaking” because to her I'm only Scottish, but I'm still the same person it's just different perceptions of me. This is not a visual identity, because some people I meet will never know. Because my family is all in Scotland and now Australia, traveling has definitely made me who I am. Music also has played a big role in my identity, it is also how I met all my friends and connected with them. I am strong and confident in my identity and know that I am who I am today because of my family and friends, because of my memories and experiences. I'm also happy to continue understanding and finding my identity.
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