Race and Literacy Teaching Activities - I Am Enough

I Am Enough Audiobook by Grace Byers - 9780062907981 | Rakuten Kobo United  States

I chose to read "I Am Enough" by Grace Byers. I chose this video in particular because I loved how the book was read and all of the sweet comments made throughout the story. This video I think is a great way to read the book out loud because she is adding more positive notes to an already positive story. It’s never too early to teach young children about tolerance and the beauty of diversity. I Am Enough by Grace Byers is full of affirmations to promote self-esteem and self-acceptance. It celebrates children for who they are and promotes positivity. The story talks about looking different, different eye colors, frames, and skin color, but also addresses the similarities. “We both have places here on earth”. This is a quote from the book I like because it is a great way to think about yourself and the people around you, everyone has a place here on earth. One activity to do with this book is to create “I Am Enough” posters where they can write things about themselves that make them special or different. Another thing could be starting a self-reflection journal that can be used throughout the year so it's not just a one-time activity, it's something that can be brought up again and again. “Like the sun I am here to shine… like the bird, I am here to fly and soar high over everything.” There are no overpowering words/images for students to understand. Overall I thought this was a sweet book that had beautiful illustrations with a beautiful and simple message that I think would help when talking about diversity and anti-racism.

“I Am Enough,” by Grace Byers, illustrated by Keturah A. Bobo


  1. Hi Abbey! I loved reading your post and learning about the picture book you chose. I think "I Am Enough" is a great choice to use with a group of students to teach them about the beauty of diversity. You mentioned the word positive a lot in your blog and I think that's really important, especially with a topic such as racism which can be seen as negative most of the time. I love your ideas about some activities that you can do with the book. I especially like the idea of doing a self reflection journal and keeping it throughout the year! Students can look back on this journal at the end of the year and I think that's really cool with what they can reflect back on!

  2. Hey Abbey, after hearing the read aloud I am able to agree how nice it was because of the readers input. I liked how the book was very simple and still addressed many things. Like you had mentioned in your post it promotes positivity and self esteem and people's differences, this is so important for students to see at a young age to try to avoid negative views. I liked the quote that you included, I thought another nice one was “And in the end, we are right here to live a life of love, not fear”. The reason I liked that quote was because it shows that we should learn to love one another and our differences instead of fearing. I loved your idea of the I am enough posters, I feel like children would love this activity because they want to share their differences. I also thought your idea of the self-reflection journal was very clever because it gives them the opportunity to continue to write about their differences or about positivity all year long.

  3. Hi Abbey! I enjoyed reading your blog and love the book you decided to share! I think teaching the beauty of diversity is incredibly important for young children to hear. It can be hard for students growing up thinking that white is the only beauty standard. Shutting down that stereotype early is essential for all children of all races. I love how you talk about positivity and bring that into the conversation of racism. People think these types of conversations always have to have some kind of negative undertone, which can not be further from the truth. Overall, love what you had to say and the activities you came up with.


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